Tuesday, 7 June 2016

classification of electrical machines

schematic classifications of electrical machines

in todays engineering, electrical equipments plays a vital role.these electrical equipments can be classified depending on their application. so for a clear idea let us see a simple classification:

depending on the power supplied we have

                                             classification of machines depending on supply:

                                               1)dc machines
                                               2)ac machines.

so under these ac, and dc  machines we use these depending upon our own use or own application.

now,we get a doubt that do motors or generators belongs to ac machines or dc machines?.so my answer is the motors and generators belong to both of them but that depends on our application in which we use.

so let us  see the classification of dc machines:

           DC machines:

         1)DC generator.         2)DC motor.


       So  this dc generator is again classified as follows:

Comming to dc motors we have the classification as follows:

Now we generally get a doubt that mostly we get the ac supply and how can we use these dc machines? so my answer is that we use different machines for different supplies,so for ac supply we use ac machines,lets us now see the classification of ac machines.

Again under ac machines also we have ac motors and ac generators

         AC machines :

        1)AC motors.
        2)AC generators.   

ac motors:                              

1) synchronous motor

2)induction motor. 

      this induction motor is classified based on the construction of the motor

         i)slip ring induction motor.

       ii)squirrel cage induction motor.

ac generators:

there is no further classification of  ac generators,these are also known as the alternators.

note: these are classified up to my knowledge,any comments and suggestions can be mentioned below.i will be giving detailed  information about each and every topics in my latter pages.this is just a brief classification.thanks for reading......